I'm Back Baby!

Look at me saying I'm back like people know who the hell I am!

Well, its been some time since my last post. I'd say almost a year now since I added a post about something likely lockdown related.

Being a developer you'd think that I knew the importance of proper back ups and ensuring that things I'd laboured over were sufficiently backed up. (Not going to lie... took about 5 mins after writing that sentence to go and check I'd done it right this time!)

Its fine, we'll just restore the posts from the backu... oh...

But oh no - everything I wrote in my previous blog will only remain the in brains of the 3 or 4 people who ever bothered to read it.

Anyway, enough about my incompetence and more about the now. I think the reason I started blogging (I've just realise I HATE that word!) is that it allows me an outlet for a whole bunch of things that I keep in my head all day and never give myself the permission to say out loud or burden anyone with. Sometimes its just that whatever is in my head sounds too much like the truth, might make me look stupid and/or will offend someone nearby. It also seems like a pretty solid way to process the crazy history in the making, movie style pandemic we're all living through!

So a pre warning to anyone who decides to give this a shot. It's going to be rough, I'm no author and I write how I think and talk.

If you'd like to know more about me as a person (and why wouldn't you!) click here.